Investigations have found that US Airways acted properly in the case of the six non-flying imams.
Three parallel investigations into the removal of six imams from a US Airways flight last month have so far concluded that the airline acted properly, that the imams’ claims they were merely praying and their eviction was racially inspired are without foundation.
An internal investigation by the airline found that air and ground crews “acted correctly” when they requested that the Muslim men be removed from a Minneapolis-to-Phoenix flight on Nov. 20.
Three parallel investigations into the removal of six imams from a US Airways flight last month have so far concluded that the airline acted properly, that the imams’ claims they were merely praying and their eviction was racially inspired are without foundation.
An internal investigation by the airline found that air and ground crews “acted correctly” when they requested that the Muslim men be removed from a Minneapolis-to-Phoenix flight on Nov. 20.
“We believe the ground crew and employees acted correctly and did what they are supposed to do,”
US Airways spokeswoman Andrea Rader said.
Omar Shahin — one of the imams and the group’s spokesman — said the men did not behave out of the ordinary while on the plane, and that passengers overreacted because some of the imams conducted prayers in the concourse before boarding.
US Airways’ investigation is “substantially complete”
Omar Shahin — one of the imams and the group’s spokesman — said the men did not behave out of the ordinary while on the plane, and that passengers overreacted because some of the imams conducted prayers in the concourse before boarding.
US Airways’ investigation is “substantially complete”
but Miss Rader said airline officials still want to meet with the imams to review the situation. “We’re looking at it as a security issue and as a customer-service issue and where we might need to do outreach,” she said.
Airline officials have had several discussions with Mr. Shahin, but a meeting scheduled for Monday with all six men was canceled at the imams’ request.
“We talked with crew members and passengers and those on the ground. We’ve done what we typically do in a situation where there is a removal or some kind of customer service at issue,” Miss Rader said. “We found out the facts are substantially the same, and the imams were detained because of the concerns crew members had based on the behavior they observed, and from reports by the customers.”
The unspoken conclusion is that the imams deliberately pushed all kinds of terrorist warning buttons, to create a confrontation and advance their bogus “Islamophobia” claims, with the goal of weakening and delegitimizing America’s vigilance against Islamic terrorism on passenger planes.
Why would they want to do that?
Airline officials have had several discussions with Mr. Shahin, but a meeting scheduled for Monday with all six men was canceled at the imams’ request.
“We talked with crew members and passengers and those on the ground. We’ve done what we typically do in a situation where there is a removal or some kind of customer service at issue,” Miss Rader said. “We found out the facts are substantially the same, and the imams were detained because of the concerns crew members had based on the behavior they observed, and from reports by the customers.”
The unspoken conclusion is that the imams deliberately pushed all kinds of terrorist warning buttons, to create a confrontation and advance their bogus “Islamophobia” claims, with the goal of weakening and delegitimizing America’s vigilance against Islamic terrorism on passenger planes.
Why would they want to do that?
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