Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Come home, Sarkozy tells us

Nicolas Sarkozy séduit la presse britannique
La tonalité de la visite du ministre de l'intérieur français, hier à Londres, est perçue par les journaux d'outre-Manche comme un aveu de la supériorité du modèle économique britannique. Le Financial Times ouvre ses colonnes à deux Français qui, à l'instar du candidat de l'UMP à l'élection présidentielle, envient le succès de la Grande-Bretagne. Ils rappellent qu'avec 2,5 millions d'habitants de moins que la France, la Grande-Bretagne génère un PIB supérieur de 76 millions d'euros. Les fondateurs du Cercle d'outre-Manche, un think tank français installé à Londres, écrivent : "La Grande-Bretagne a montré que le travail est un meilleur moyen pour créer de la richesse que les loisirs." Même analyse dans le Times : Nicolas Sarkozy veut "restaurer la valeur du travail", et c'est "un pari honorable", vis-à-vis de Français qui "discutent de la nécessité d'un changement radical, mais qui n'ont jusqu'ici pas montré beaucoup d'enthousiasme pour les réformes". Même le Guardian, quotidien de gauche, s'attarde sur l'enthousiasme des Français de Londres à soutenir le candidat de droite. M. Sarkozy leur a lancé un "La France est toujours votre pays, même s'il vous a déçu. (...) Revenez !"

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Yves Daoudal émeut le petit marigot catho (c’est de l’affection) avec une charge contre Jean-Paul Gaultier.
Cela rappelle le précédent de versets du Coran portés sur une robe Chanel, qui avait été piteusement cachée puis incinérée devant les protestations des sectateurs de Mahomet.
Je ne dis pas cela pour maniaquement souligner qu’il y a deux poids deux mesures, que l’on ose faire avec les catholiques ce qu’on ne fait pas avec les musulmans, etc.
En fait, je suis plutôt content que l’on puisse, sans aucun blasphème au sens réel du terme, soulignons-le, s’approprier l’imagerie catholique et en faire ce que l’on veut. Il n’y a rien là de choquant en soi : cette imagerie est certes détournée, certes un peu malmenée, mais on chercherait en vain, au-delà des réactions épidermiques de quelques-uns, en quoi cela serait insupportable. Il n’y a aucune allusion dégradante par exemple, il n’y a pas non plus d’intrusion dans un lieu de culte comme avec les robes de Lacroix à Versailles.
En fait je suis plutôt fier d’appartenir à une religion où jusqu’à présent l’on ne réagissait pas trop comme des barbus obscurantistes. Qu’on se souvienne par exemple de la Passion décrite comme une course cycliste par Alfred Jarry — catholique un peu atypique mais indubitablement catholique. Qu’on se souvienne de la défense du clos de Seuillé par frère Jean des Entommeures, défendant les vignes à grands coups d’un bâton de croix “qui faisait diables”. Qu’on se souvienne que si la Vierge de Guadalupe est si pieusement vue par des millions de sud-américains quelque analogie formelle avec des cultes de fertilité et leurs représentations possibles n’y est pas exactement étrangère, même s’il serait grotesque de limiter à cela cette piété.
Faire réagir les catholiques sans discernement comme des barbus obscurantistes n’est sans doute pas un service à leur rendre, pas plus que de promouvoir une vision de la foi catholique en citadelle assiégée cadenassée sur elle-même.
Peut-on sans arrêt regretter que le catholicisme ne soit plus au coeur de la vie française et ne vouloir qu’un catholicisme compassé, triste, sourcilleux, sans cesse prêt à mordre, en un mot, un catholicisme de parti dévôt ? c’est à dire de Tartuffes ?


Eilat/CAIR: Silent Again

In an idle moment I wondered whether the Council on American Islamic Relations had anything to say about the suicide bombing today in Eilat, with all that Saudi money and all those staff members watching for any Islam-related stories. Let’s browse over to their site, shall we?
Nope. Not a single word. Surprised? Not me.
But how many complaints of victimhood can you count on their front page?
Bomber's Family: Very Happy for "The Hero"
It’s a death cult family moment, as the Eilat suicide bomber’s brother exults in mass murder: Bomber’s brother: We’re happy Muhammad is the hero.
You see, Allah wanted this noble shahid to commit a sneak attack and kill unsuspecting people in a bakery

No Glory Days

PARIS January 29, 2007 (Times Online)

- Rachid Bouchareb, 53, surprised critics who had expected him to enter Days of Glory [French title: Indigènes], a film about the African soldiers who fought for France in the Second World War, as a Gallic production. ...

But Mr Bouchareb has stirred controversy by entering the film for the Oscars under an Algerian flag, where it is competing for the title of best foreign language film...

Under the rules of the ceremony, the nationality of the director determines that of the film.

Mr Bouchareb has French and Algerian passports and could have chosen either.
But M. Bouchareb chose Algeria.
France is piqued because aside from the horror, the horror and the shock!, of M. Bouchareb not choosing France, the French view is French money determines what is a French film , and a good deal else.
Le Figaro newspaper pointed out that more than 90 per cent of Indigenes’ €14 million budget came from France and asked with a mixture of indignation and irony whether Mr Bouchareb considered that Algeria was still a French colony.

The surprise is all the greater because Days of Glory is down for the French cinema awards, Les Césars, as a Gallic film.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Palestinian civil war

Avez-vous remarqué?
Le chaos de la violence s’installe dans les Territoires Zoccupés,
le sang de la guerre coule dans la rue arabe (selon l’expression consacrée),
des cris de haine et de terreur résonnent dans la nuit qui n’aura pas de lendemain.
3 jours de Mégahaine et d’UltraViolence,
27 personnes arrachées à la vie par la cruauté des armes impérialistes sur cette terre multimillénaire de civilisation , O Palestine…

Et oui une fois de plus les méchants impérialistes colonisateurs nisraél…

- psst…non, c’est pas eux…

- Hein? “non” ?…27 morts, tout de même,

c’est évidemment la faute des impérialistes sionistes de Tsahal à la solde des Yankee et vice et versa! …

- non, non, ils y sont pour rien

- Foutaises, qui sont les salauds qui ont tué les 20 membres de la famille de Momo et Armed : père, mère, soeur, frère, cousin, cousine, oncle, tante, grand-père, grand-mère et père, mère, soeur, frère, cousin, cousine, oncle, tante, grand-père, grand-mère…

- Une fois de plus l’ennemi sioniste a martyrisé la nation palestienne…

- Non.

- Quoi! “Non“, quoi ? Où voulez-vous en venir à la fin. Je suis dans mon discours lyrique là…

- Ben non, c’est le Fatah et le Hamas.

- Hein ?

- Oui, le Fatah et le Hamas s’entretuent.

- ah..euh…et les impérialistes…

- Non désolé, c’est pas leur faute.

- Ah…je vois…donc..hum…la sortie?

- Là-bas- Bien…merci…je sors.


LE MONDE.FR : Dernière minute
lundi 29 janvier 2007

La police israélienne annonce qu'un kamikaze a tué au moins trois personnes à Eilat

Au moins trois personnes ont été tuées et plusieurs autres grièvement blessées, lundi, dans un attentat-suicide, dans un centre commercial à Eilat, dans le sud d'Israël, ont indiqué des sources médicale et policière.
Il s'agit de la première attaque-suicide en Israël depuis plus d'un an. (AFP, AP)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Iran Denounces New US Policy

Iran doesn’t seem to like this new US policy of fighting back: Iran denounces U.S. raids in Iraq. (Hat tip: Killian Bundy.)

Maybe they should complain to John F. Kerry.

TEHRAN, Iran - A top Iranian lawmaker denounced the United States on Saturday for allowing its troops to kill or capture Iranians in Iraq whom U.S. forces believe pose a threat.

“This is support for terrorism. It is against all recognized international treaties to order the death of nationals of another country in a foreign land,” Alaeddin Boroujerdi, the head of Parliament’s Foreign Policy and National Security Committee, said on state television.

On Friday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said U.S. forces “are authorized to go after those who are trying to kill them.”

The more aggressive policy — evolving over a period of months — was described as the result of mounting evidence that Iran is supporting terrorists inside Iraq and is a major supplier of bombs and other weapons used to target U.S. forces.

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told journalists Saturday that “bullying and threatening” were part of the U.S. strategy in Iraq and said Iran was a “part of resolving Iraq’s problems, not a part of the problem itself.”


Ils osent encore !

La mauvaise foi idéologique des (trop) fameux « Guignols de l’info », unique source « d’analyse » politique pour une part non négligeable de jeunes incultes auxquels la formidable marche du progrès a accordé le droit de vote, est absolument sans limite.

Ce n’est certes pas un « scoop » mais cette évidence se confirme chaque jour avec un peu plus d’indécence à l’approche des échéances électorales de 2007.
Ainsi, récupérant à leur profit l’un des nombreux dérapages de l’histrionnesque ministre de l’Intérieur (en l’occurrence la surmédiatisation des opérations de police en banlieue) les marionnettistes de Canal+ tentent d’expliquer à leurs spectateurs et téléspectateurs que cette stratégie publicitaire du petit Nicolas a pour but, non pas, comme il est évident pour tout observateur un tant peu soit honnête, de donner l’illusion à l’électorat que ledit Sarko est un « dur » qui mène une politique énergique et efficace contre l’insécurité que subit de plus en plus douloureusement le peuple français mais plutôt de créer artificiellement un « sentiment d’insécurité » exacerbé à quelques mois des élections.
Ainsi, pour les doctes auteurs des « guignolades », 200 policiers qui descendent, sous l’œil vigilant des caméras, dans une cité pour ne parvenir à appréhender qu’un seul voyou ce n’est pas la démonstration de la nullité sarkozienne et de la faiblesse insigne des forces de l’ordre face à la racaille banlieusarde qui envoie chaque semaine plusieurs de leurs membres à l’hôpital (en attendant pire…) mais la preuve de l’extrême tranquillité bienheureuse des banlieues, seulement troublées par les gesticulations du ministre-candidat et de ses troupes qui ne cessent de « harceler » ces pauvres jeunes déjà honteusement discriminés.

Le 21 avril n’a décidément rien apprit du tout à ces grandes consciences de la gauche médiatico-ludique qui osent encore tenter de faire croire aux gens qui n’y sont pas encore confrontés concrètement et quotidiennement (il y en a de moins en moins…) que l’insécurité est avant tout un phantasme nourri par des politiciens populistes et retors.
Or s’il y a en effet de nombreuses tentatives d’instrumentalisation des phénomènes criminels en France, cela n’implique aucunement, comme feignent de le croire les salariés de Vivendi Universal – Canal Plus, l’inexistence ou la virtualité de l’objet manipulé à telle ou telle fin.

Ainsi, contre toute évidence, contre tout bon sens et faisant fi de la plus élémentaire retenue à l’heure où la situation réelle n’a jamais été aussi paroxystiquement violente et proche du basculement dans le conflit ouvert de type guérilla civile, les bouffons canalplusesques continuent à mentir à jets continus et a patauger crapoteusement dans leurs illusions idéologiques.
Et au final, la négation du réel par ces amuseurs grassement payés rejoint la gabegie démagogique du ministre de l’Intérieur dans la grande entreprise de destruction des vestiges de ce qu’était la France.

Pierre Chatov pour Novopress

As Labelled...

And again...

Time +Lego...

Idiom of the week

Jesus of the week

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Schools to teach 'British values'

Ministers will unveil plans to teach teenagers core "British values" amid fears that schools are failing to convey a sense of national identity.

Schools dominated by white pupils should do more to foster good community relations and improve children's understanding of diversity, Education Secretary Alan Johnson will say.

But Mr Johnson will also stress that problems stretch beyond ethnic minority pupils as many working class white children also have negative views about their British identity.

The proposals will follow a major report from former headteacher Sir Keith Ajegbo, who was asked by ministers to review compulsory citizenship lessons in schools.

Ofsted inspectors have warned that citizenship, which has been a compulsory part of the national curriculum since 2002, is often poorly taught.

Sir Keith's report today will say citizenship lessons do not place enough emphasis on British identity, and need to focus on helping white pupils as well as those from ethnic minorities.

"It makes no sense in our report to focus on minority ethnic pupils without trying to address and understand the issues for white pupils," claims to the report.

"It is these white pupils whose attitudes are overwhelmingly important in creating community cohesion. Nor is there any advantage in creating confidence in minority ethnic pupils if it leaves white pupils feeling disenfranchised and resentful.

"Many indigenous white pupils have negative perceptions of their own identity. White children in areas where the ethnic composition is mixed can often suffer labelling and discrimination.

"They can feel beleaguered and marginalised, finding their own identities under threat as much as minority ethnic children might not have theirs recognised."

Stolen from the excellent

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

As labelled

Vive la Québécitude libérisée !

un vrai festival, d’autant que pour le coup je connais plusieurs mirlitons-francophons qui vont en salir d’aise leurs sous-vêtements...
As a French-speaking African I am always mildly amused when I hear France clamoring for "cultural diversity," which to all intents and purposes amounts to mobilizing the world in a fight against Anglo-Saxon cultural and economic "imperialism".
The French seem to suffer from amnesia.
France did all it could to suppress native languages in its colonies.
I have personally suffered from this. And to this day, France tries to perpetuate the French language in its former colonies while attempting to enlist foot soldiers in the French war on Anglo-Saxon pre-eminence.
Still, and strangely enough, France seems to find it natural that its former colonies should join in the fight to "defend" its language against English.
We connect with each other based on our similarities, and we enrich each other based on our differences.
Now, the question is:
Why can't the French stop living in the past, come to terms with the reality of globalization and start learning English — and Chinese — like everybody else?

A. M. Sall,writing from Saint-Louis, Senegal
January 18, 2007 (NYT)

Pipes vs. Livingstone in London

On Saturday in London, Daniel Pipes faced off with Mayor “Red” Ken Livingstone in the opening debate of a conference titled,

Excellent reports on the event are to be found at several British blogs:
Sharon Chadha: Clash of civilizations? (Sharon’s not British, as I should have known since she spelled “civilization” correctly. Heh.)
Adloyada: Daniel Pipes survives Livingstone’s Lions’ Den.
Oliver Kamm: Livingstone’s follies.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Sorry Mel..

As labelled

Builders are sexy (3) ?

the French Connection (1980)

In July 1980,

Israeli intelligence sources revealed that the amount of uranium supplied by France to Iraq would enable Iraq to produce atomic bombs by the mid 1980s.
French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing was not concerned.

Benny Morris: The Next Holocaust Will Be Different

You must read this powerful essay by Israeli historian Benny Morris:

This Holocaust will be different.
The second holocaust will be quite different.

One bright morning, in five or 10 years, perhaps during a regional crisis, perhaps out of the blue, a day or a year or five years after Iran’s acquisition of the Bomb, the mullahs in Qom will convene in secret session, under a portrait of the steely-eyed Ayatollah Khomeini, and give President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, by then in his second or third term, the go-ahead.
The orders will go out and the Shihab III and IV missiles will take off for Tel Aviv, Beersheba, Haifa and Jerusalem, and probably some military sites, including Israel’s half dozen air and (reported) nuclear missile bases.
Some of the Shihabs will be nuclear-tipped, perhaps even with multiple warheads.
Others will be dupes, packed merely with biological or chemical agents, or old newspapers, to draw off or confuse Israel’s anti-missile batteries and Home Front Command units.

With a country the size and shape of Israel (an elongated 20,000 square kilometers),
probably four or five hits will suffice: No more Israel.
A million or more Israelis in the greater Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem areas will die immediately.
Millions will be seriously irradiated.
Israel has about seven million inhabitants.
No Iranian will see or touch an Israeli.
It will be quite impersonal.

Jesus of the week

Idiom of the week

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Objective HIstory Catches Up To France:

While France advises select nations on the salutary moral uplift of recognizing their dark histories, she is incapable of owning up to her own.
No, for France everyday -- past, present, and to come -- was, is, or will be another shiny day of rayonnement français.

PARIS April 7, 2004 (AFP) - France does not share any extra blame in Rwanda's 1994 genocide and its troops were in no way involved in helping those who carried out the massacres, officials here said Wednesday, as the world marked the 10th anniversary of the bloodshed.

MARSEILLE April 9, 2004 (AFP) - French junior foreign minister Renaud Muselier has described charges by Rwanda's President Paul Kagame that France was complicit in the 1994 genocide as "unacceptable, humiliating and lying".
... "I regret that memories and polemics have been mixed up. There are individual and collective responsibilities (for the Rwandan genocide), but time will enable the history of it to be told objectively."
Yes, well, objective history is fast catching up with French humiliation.

KIGALI December 12, 2006 (AFP) - French military trucks ferried extremist Hutu militiamen to a mountain hideout in Rwanda to slaughter thousands of ethnic Tutsis during the 1994 genocide, an ex-member of the militia [Interahamwe] said Tuesday.
... The witness also testified that six French soldiers watched the murder of about 50 Tutsis at the Camp Gisenyi military barracks in northwest Rwanda where they were military advisers.
... The ex-Interahamwe member said on Tuesday that he had participated in transporting weapons from a French military plane in the former Zaire, now Democratic Republic of Congo, to the north Rwanda province of Gisenyi.
"These guns were distributed to different military units and militias manning roadblocks", he said, adding that the shipment was "escorted into Rwanda by French soldiers."

KIGALI, Dec 13, 2006 (AFP) - A female survivor of Rwanda's 1994 genocide on Wednesday told a panel probing alleged French complicity in the massacres that French troops had gang-raped her and others multiple times.
[This news story contains graphic descriptions of brutal rape by French soldiers.]
Another protected female witness testified that she had been raped by a Rwandan employed by the French in the presence of a French soldier.
"I thought he would save me," the woman said.
The women's testimony followed that of the former mayor of Karama district, where French troops had one of their camps, who described the atmosphere there as "scandalous beyond imagination".

KIGALI December 14, 2006 (AFP) - Two more female survivors of Rwanda's 1994 genocide on Thursday accused French troops of raping them, in new allegations of sexual abuse by peacekeepers that France had in the country at the time.
[This news story contains graphic descriptions of brutal rape by French soldiers.]
"[The French soldiers] destroyed me," [the witness] said through tears. "They killed me. I thought the white men were going to save me."
Another witness, a soldier in the former French-backed Rwandan government's army, said he and colleagues had brought young Tutsi girls from Nyarushishi refugee camp and nearby hideouts to French troops in exchange for canned meals.
"On one occasion, they refused to pay me and my friends for a girl we were bringing them," he told the panel. "We threatened to kill her. They told us to go ahead. We did it before them."

KIGALI December 18, 2006 (AFP) - French troops deployed in Rwanda at the height of the country's 1994 genocide lured thousands of minority Tutsis from their hideouts to be killed by extremist militia, a witness told an enquiry Monday.
... Last week, a former primary school teacher told the probe team that as an interpreter he had accompanied a French contingent to the Tutsi enclave to deliver the evacuation promise.
A former Belgian military officer on Monday told investigators that days after the genocide started, French troops refused to evacuate hundreds of Rwandans and other Africans who had sneaked into evacuation convoys.
"They were sending back these people on only the basis of what appeared to be their colour," said Lieutenant Colonel Jean Loup.
The picture that emerges of France in Rwanda is monstrous. It is no longer tenable that France did not know what was going on in Rwanda, what France had abetted and was abetting. France did not discover horrors in Rwanda, she engineered them.
Even if France asked us to believe she is the stupidest nation on earth, only a fraction of France's complicity can be chalked up to stupidity outright. Of course, France is not asking us to believe her stupid, quite the contrary. So how did enlightened France come to embrace such unenlightened, such horrific policy?
One theory posits Anglophobia.

January 11, 2007 (Guardian) - France went on backing the killers even as the bodies piled up in the streets, churches and football stadiums. "France wants to blame us, the ones whose families were murdered, the ones who put a stop to the murderers; they want to blame us for the genocide because they cannot face their own guilt," says Rwanda's foreign minister, Charles Murigande. "The French armed the killers and they trained them even when they were saying they were going to kill the Tutsis, and France supported the genocide regime right up until the end, even helping the killers to escape." Why? "Because they have this obsession with Anglo-Saxons."

... Africa has traditionally been considered such a special case in Paris that France's policy is run out of the presidency. At the time, the "Africa cell" was headed by Mitterrand's son, Jean-Christophe, a close friend of the Habyarimanas. He later said that there could not have been a genocide because "Africans are not that organised". France's president did not deny what had happened, but took a view no less racist:
"In such countries, genocide is not too important."

Gérard Prunier, a French historian who advised the French government during the later stages of its intervention in Rwanda, has characterised Paris's view of its former African colonies not as foreign countries but as "part of the family".
Paris's African "back yard", he wrote in a history of the Rwandan genocide - in which he made clear his disaffection with French support for the Hutu regime - "remains its back yard because all the chicks cackle in French.
There is a high degree of symbiosis between French and Francophone African political elites. It is a mixture of many things: old memories, shared material interests, delusions of grandeur, gossip, sexual peccadilloes."
He added: "Of course, the arch-enemy in this cosy relationship, the hissing snake in the Garden of Eden, is the 'Anglo-Saxon'."
Prunier said French governments viewed "the whole world as a cultural, political and economic battlefield between France and the Anglo-Saxons ... It is the main reason - and practically the only one - why Paris intervened so quickly and so deeply in the growing Rwandan crisis."
The explanation we favor is that France is not enlightened at all. Wherever she arrives she is preceded by her thuggish reputation. Wherever she stays, she enlarges it. And wherever she exits, she bequeaths it to sympathetic locals.
Not content with yesterday"s shame, France, with no friendly Francophone government to support, spites the current Anglophone government.
Rwanda's foreign minister, Murigande, accuses France of spending more than a decade punishing the RPF for its victory: "In all international forums - the World Bank, the IMF - France not only voted against any development programme that these institutions would want to undertake in Rwanda but it even went out of its way to mobilise other countries to vote against them." Before the genocide, France was the largest donor of any country to Rwanda. Today, it is the smallest.
Via pave France

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Girls & Guns

The old testament (3)

Genesis 3:12

Genesis 3:14-15

Genesis 3:16

Genesis 3:17-19

Genesis 3:22-23

Genesis 3:24

He drove the man away and stationed cherubs at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.

Christian Leaders Condemn Palestinian Violence

After years of relative silence about the problems in Palestinian society that diminish the prospects for peace with Israel, religious leaders in Jerusalem have called for an end to violence between Fatah and Hamas, two factions that are poised to fight for dominance in the West Bank and Gaza.

In a statement issued on Jan. 12, 2007, thirteen Christian leaders called for an end to violence in the West Bank and Gaza and warned against the prospects of a civil war between the factions.

They also offered to act as mediators between Fatah and Hamas and called for arms to be taken off the streets.
While it is unrealistic to expect that Christian leaders will be able to act as a mediators in a Muslim-dominated conflict, or to expect that Hamas and Fatah will take their weapons off the street, the statement from Christian leaders comes at time of uncertainty when non-Muslims would have every reason to fade into the background of Palestinian society.
Christians in Palestinian society are a beleaguered minority subject to harassment and intimidation by the Muslim majority.

Consequently, they are reluctant to criticize Palestinian leaders about problems in their society that undermine the prospects for peace with Israel.

Instead, they broadcast a false moral narrative about the Arab-Israeli conflict to Christian audiences in Europe, North America and Australia.

In this narrative, Israel is portrayed as an aggressor nation while the Palestinians are portrayed as innocent Christ-like sufferers who are in no way responsible for violence in the Middle East. This statement is a departure from that narrative.
To be sure, the statement is undercut by the relative silence on the part of the signatories about Palestinian violence against Israel and about Palestinian-on-Palestinian violence, both of which have been problems for years.
The statement is also undercut but the unrealistic and naive assertion that “Fighting and kidnapping opponents will not bring down the Separation Wall or end the embargo on the Palestinian people.”

Palestinian terror attacks prompted the construction of the security barrier, and Hamas’s rejectionist ideology prompted the international community to withhold aid from the Palestinian Authority.
Nevertheless, Christian criticism of Fatah and Hamas, with nary a word of blame for Israel, offers a mustard seed of hope that Christian leaders, as beleaguered as they are, can hold a mirror to the society in which they live and insist that Palestinian leaders work for the betterment of the society they are called to govern.

Correct Carter's Falsehoods

Petit tour d'horizon

L'ONU se ridiculise encore un peu plus.
Désavouée par le gouvernement irakien, qui a qualifié ses rapports d'être "incorrects et exagérés", l'organisation internationale des dictatures du Tiers Monde parle de 34'000 morts civils irakiens en 2006,
alors que le gouvernement irakien et les organisations non gouvernementales qui font le compte arrivent à 12'000. L'ONU parle de près de 7'000 morts pour la période novembre-décembre, les ONG Iraq body count et icasualties d'environ 3'500, soit la moitié. Bien entendu, nos chers médias ont repris les chiffres onusiens sans regarder plus loin.
Il semble que cela soit devenu un jeu morbide, (déjà largement dénoncé... )
Environ 25'000 Irakiens, civils et forces de sécurité, sont morts en deux ans (2005-2006).
Ce bilan est bien assez douloureux pour ne pas faire de désinformation obscène, que ce soit à l'ONU ou dans les médias de la France pétainiste.

C'est la saison de disparition des dictateurs. Fidel Castro serait au seuil de la mort à cause d'une infection intestinale que trois opérations n'ont pas pu soigner. Refaites vos réserves de champagne pour la semaine prochaine.

Le Quai d'Orsay s'éloigne de la ligne diplomatique américaine sur l'Iran.
Paris envisage d'aller, de son propre chef, discuter avec Téhéran sur les questions régionales. La drôle de guerre arrivant à sa fin,
la France fait ce qu'elle a toujours su faire : collaborer avec l'ennemi.
Ouvrez vos téléviseurs, la scène sera historique :
un nouveau diplomate gaulois se vautrant devant Ahmadinejad, soixante-sept ans après la poignée de mains de Rethondes.

Les journalistes du magazine Nichane ont été condamnés à trois ans de prison pour "insulte au prophète Mahomet", après avoir réalisé un numéro sur l'humour au Maroc.

Le caricaturiste danois qui avait produit les 12 dessins sur Mahomet dans le Jyllands-Posten au début de cette année aurait été retrouvé mort, le corps brûlé près de son lieu de travail, annonce l'agence de presse iranienne Fars.
Attention : Le gouvernement danois n'a ni démenti ni confirmé la nouvelle.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Burqini: Muslim women's reply to bikini

It's not itsy-bitsy or teenie- weenie but the Burqini may prove to be just as popular as its polka-dotted predecessor.
The modest bathing costume is designed for water-going Muslim women who, because of religious values, cannot show more than their face, hands and feet in public.

A cross between a burqa and a bikini, the polyester suit is made up of pants and a long- sleeved thigh or knee-length A-line top with head covering.
It is water-repellent, UV-resistant and comes with Arab designs.
Its Australian designer, Aheda Zanetti, has been swamped with thousands of inquiries about the product from Europe, Britain, the United States, Asia and the Middle East. Zanetti said she started producing the Burqini as Muslim women were missing out on sports because of their dress code.

There's a video here.

The old testament (2)


Genesis 3:6
The woman saw that the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eyes, and desirable for the knowledge it could give, and she took fruit from it.

(...)And ate it

(...)And he ate it.

Genesis 3:7
The eyes of both them were opened, and they knew that they were naked

(...)They sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves loincloths.

Continues tomorrow...

(Many thanks to the reverend Bredan Powell Smith)